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63pages, 3,757 results in yourMediumsearch for"watercolour (paint)"Advanced Search
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Cuttlefish and Gorita, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Dutch bridal party in Batavia, 1779-1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Evangelical Lutheran Church within the city of Batavia in the East Indies, c.1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Songbird or Cape Nightingale, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape Snipe, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape flower, (Lachenalia pendula), 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape flower, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape watermelon and gladiolus, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape meadow herb, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape wading bird, 1786-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape chestnut, (Calodendrum capense), 1778. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape pigeon, 1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape flower, 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cape flower, (Aponogeton distachium), 1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Javanese and Gelderland glowworms, 1770-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Finches, 1805. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), shark (Carcharodon carcharias) and remora (Echeneidae), 1788. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Dutch bird, (Fringilla), 1770-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Dutch cuckoo, 1770-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Human flea, (Pulex irritans), 1770-1787. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Roloway monkey (Cercopithecus roloway) in Ceylon, 1785-1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Lovebirds, 1785-1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Ceylon squirrel, (Atlantoxerus getulus), 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Hairstyles, traditional styles in Ceylon, 1785-1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Shrine at Negapatnam on the coast of Coromandel, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Kelaniya Stupa in Ceylon, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Cranganore Fort at Cochin, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Butter trade in Ceylon, 1785-1786. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Islamic rock sanctuary of Kuragala in Ceylon, 1785. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Coat of arms with monogram, 1787-1808. Creator: Jan Brandes.
Regency piece, 1789. Creator: Jan Bulthuis.
Accurate Map of the state and the course of Rio de Berbice..., 1742. Creators: Jan Daniel Knapp, Hendrik de Leth.
Former general as a street musician, 1895-1899. Creator: Jan de Waardt.
He who sows, shall reap , 1875-1900.  Creator: Jan de Waardt.
Nouvelle Carte des Sept Departemens de la Hollande/ New map of the seven Dutch...(1811-1812).  Creator: Jan Gerritsz. Visser.
View of Malacca from the sea, 1764. Creator: Jan Keldermans.
View of Nijmegen from the north, 1738. Creator: Jan de Ruyter.
View of Nijmegen from the East, 1738. Creator: Jan de Ruyter.
View of Nijmegen from the South, 1738. Creator: Jan de Ruyter.
View of Nijmegen from the West, 1738. Creator: Jan de Ruyter.
Young man writing at a window, 1734-1785. Creator: Jan Stolker.
Arch of Honour for King William III at The Hague, 1691, (1691).  Creator: Jan van Call.
Landscape with road, 1864-1936. Creator: Johannes Cornelis van Essen.
King Louis Napoleon visits the ruins...after the explosion of the powder ship..., (1807-1809).  Creator: Jan Willem Pieneman.
View of the ruins...after the explosion of the powder ship on Jan 12, 1807, (1807-1809).  Creator: Jan Willem Pieneman.
View of the ruins of the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum in Rome, 1759. Creator: Jean Daullé.
View of a Gothic Cathedral on the Water, 1760. Creator: Jean Moyreau.
View of Ponte Santa Trinita over the river Arno in Florence, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of Cádiz, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the Rossmarkt in Frankfurt am Main, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of Paris seen from the Quai de Miramion, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of a harbour with a shipyard in Morocco, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the city of London seen from the river Thames, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of a shipyard, 1745-1775. Creator: A Fantonne.
View of the harbour in Calais, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the harbour in Caudebec near the mouth of the Seine River, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the harbour in Caudebec near the mouth of the Seine River, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the harbour in Caudebec near the mouth of the Seine River, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the ruins of a colonnade in Rome, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the Porte Saint-Bernard and the Pont de la Tournelle over the Seine River in Paris, 1745-75. Creator: Anon.